Healthcare practitioners in the 21st century are tasked with not only providing care, but also promoting and developing a business model that will differentiate them from the competition.

The tools offered through marketing have been proven to be the most effective way to promote and achieve the growth needed for a good healthcare business. Times have changed and no longer can practitioners rely on having a short commercial on the television to promote their practice. There are now more affordable and effective methods that you should be using which are guaranteed to improve your business’ awareness. In this article, we will go over five different ways you as a provider can utilize these new tools to grow your business:

  • Mass Marketing Approach to a more Specific Based Approach 
  • Commercial Marketing to Personal Sources 
  • Emphasis from Health Episodes to Long Lasting Relationships 
  • Research Your Competitors Brand
  • Find Advocates For Your Brand

Turning From a Mass Marketing Approach to a Specific Approach 

Mass marketing is no longer the way to go. In a previous blog we talked about offering unique services that differentiate you from the competition. This is the time to utilize that branding. Move from using mass marketing techniques, i.e. billboards, TV commercials, bus stop benches; to more targeted ads. Social media outlets know who is looking for what, and as business owners, you should leverage the tools readily available through these platforms to reach your target audience. 

Marketers have used traditional marketing tools such as research, product design, pricing, advertising; and these all used to work. However, bringing in new technology such as these social media targeted ads will help to better grow and develop your business and its advertising. Knowing your target audience is a big part of being able to do this, but by understanding your brand, you will easily be able to find and target the audience you made your brand appeal to. 

Move from Commercial Marketing to Personal Sources

Above we talked about moving from mass marketing to targeted ads using social media. Another opportunity can be found through using personal sources. Most information that pertains to the product or service can be found within the commercial advertisement. Things such as services provided, location, contact information; however, the important information comes from past patrons of your business. 

healthcare business marketing

Learning to market your successful interactions with past patients will allow for your new clients to hear and read about why your practice is considered the best. Within these personal testimonials, your potential clients will be able to receive the most important information that tells the prospective patient what they can expect. It is important to add these testimonials to your website so that prospective clients can know what to expect. A recent study found that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. Using these testimonials to your advantage can be very beneficial in promoting your business and gaining new clients. 

5 ways to market your healthcare business
A health business can promote itself in a variety of different ways.

Emphasis on Long Lasting Relationships Instead of Short Term Interactions

A large part of getting helpful patient testimonials is shifting from the idea of short-term interactions to long-term relationships. When it comes to healthcare, patients want to feel like they can trust their practitioner. It is now your job to be as accommodating as possible. You can no longer think of a new client as a new source of income, but a new source of advertising instead. Making sure they have a pleasant experience at your office will ensure that you will have a new voice advocating for your business in the realm of healthtech software development.

Word of mouth from friends and family can be one of the strongest forms of advertisement for your business. No one trusts information as faithfully as when it comes from a family member or friend. You as a business owner can feel assured that by providing the best service possible, you have a good chance of getting new clients from that patient. 

Research Your Competitors Brand: 

In a highly competitive sector, such as private healthcare, it is important to observe and research what your competitors are doing. By understanding what your competition is offering or not offering, you will better position yourself for success. You will be able to see what works for other businesses and can mimic that with your own bit of uniqueness. You will also be able to see what does not work, and can therefore avoid making the same mistakes as your competitor. 

Using your competitors marketing or branding as a reference point for your business will give you a different perspective from your own and allow you to observe how other businesses are acting within your industry. 

Find Advocates for Your Healthcare Business

These past few years, the world has seen a revolution with influencers and the power they hold over their audience. The pandemic this past year has especially influenced society and how they interact with social media platforms and the internet. More people than ever are spending time on their phones and looking at other people’s accounts in the hopes to get a glimpse of what life was like pre-pandemic. Finding a mainstream advocate for your business will, in most cases, guarantee a rise in new clients as influencers have the strong ability to do so. 

An example of this can be seen with Kaiser Permanente. They have collaborated with athlete Stephen Curry to become the face of their healthcare brand. They have successfully associated their brand with not only a ‘celebrity’, but an athlete that embodies their mission of being healthy. Finding an advocate that you feel will embody what you want your company to be can be a beneficial step in building your business and reaching new clients. 

By incorporating just one of these techniques, you will guarantee your business more clients. Time has flown by these past two years with the pandemic, however so has the technology that allows you to build a better business. Using the available tools makes your business look prorgressive with technology and will bring in a new face of clients. 

Ways to grow your healthcare business to new patients scaled

Content Marketing in Healthcare: Educating and Engaging Your Audience

In the healthcare industry, building trust and credibility is paramount. Content marketing offers a powerful tool to achieve this by providing valuable information, addressing patient concerns, and establishing your practice as a thought leader.

Importance of Valuable Content:

  • Empowers patients: Educational content equips patients to make informed decisions about their health.
  • Builds trust and credibility: Sharing expertise through content positions you as a reliable source of information.
  • Improves SEO and online visibility: High-quality content attracts organic search traffic and improves website ranking.
  • Boosts patient engagement: Engaging content fosters interaction and builds stronger patient relationships.

Content Ideas for Different Audiences:


  • Blog Topics: Healthy living tips, common health conditions, treatment options, managing chronic diseases, personal stories of patients.
  • Social Media Content: Inspirational quotes, health infographics, educational videos, patient testimonials, fun facts about health.
  • Educational Resources: E-books, downloadable guides, FAQs, webinars, online courses.

Healthcare Professionals:

  • Blog Topics: Industry trends, new research findings, best practices in patient care, case studies, medical technology advancements.
  • Social Media Content: Share relevant articles, participate in industry discussions, promote educational events, showcase innovative approaches.
  • Educational Resources: White papers, research summaries, clinical trials updates, online training modules.

Content Promotion Strategies:

  • Social media sharing: Share your content across relevant platforms and encourage engagement.
  • Email marketing: Include content snippets in newsletters and targeted campaigns.
  • Guest blogging: Contribute articles to industry websites and blogs to reach a wider audience.
  • Paid advertising: Utilize targeted ads to promote specific content pieces or educational resources.
  • Collaborations: Partner with other healthcare providers or influencers for joint content creation and promotion.

Content Calendar Planning:

  • Develop a content calendar: Plan topics, formats, and publishing dates in advance.
  • Consider seasonality and trends: Align your content with relevant health awareness days or industry events.
  • Maintain consistency: Publish new content regularly to keep your audience engaged.
  • Track and analyze results: Monitor website traffic, social media engagement, and content performance to optimize your strategy.

Remember: Content marketing in healthcare is not about selling; it’s about building trust and providing value. By focusing on creating informative, engaging, and patient-centric content, you can attract new patients, strengthen relationships, and establish yourself as a trusted resource in your community.

In today’s competitive healthcare landscape, paid advertising can be a powerful tool to reach new patients and showcase your services. However, navigating the various options and regulations requires careful consideration. Here’s a breakdown of key aspects:

Types of Paid Advertising:

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: You pay each time someone clicks on your ad displayed on search engines like Google or Bing. Target specific keywords relevant to your services and patient needs.
  • Social Media Advertising: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach targeted audiences based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.
  • Display Advertising: Place ads on relevant websites or apps frequented by your target audience. This can be banner ads, video ads, or native advertising.

Targeting Options:

  • Demographics: Target based on age, gender, location, income, and other relevant characteristics.
  • Interests: Reach users based on their browsing history, online behavior, and expressed interests.
  • Keywords: Target based on specific keywords users search for related to your services.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Target users with similar characteristics to your existing patients or website visitors.

Budget Considerations:

  • Set realistic budgets: Allocate a portion of your marketing budget specifically for paid advertising.
  • Start small and scale gradually: Begin with smaller campaigns and track results before increasing spend.
  • Monitor performance closely: Analyze click-through rates, conversions, and return on investment (ROI) to optimize your campaigns.

Compliance with Advertising Regulations:

  • HIPAA: Ensure all advertising complies with patient privacy regulations. Do not use patient names or identifiable information.
  • Truthful and Accurate Claims: Avoid misleading or unsubstantiated claims about your services or treatments.
  • FDA and FTC Regulations: Adhere to relevant regulations for advertising specific medical products or procedures.

Additional Tips:

  • Develop clear ad copy: Craft compelling headlines and descriptions that resonate with your target audience.
  • Use strong calls to action: Tell users what you want them to do, whether it’s visiting your website, scheduling an appointment, or downloading a resource.
  • Utilize retargeting campaigns: Reach users who have already interacted with your website or social media pages to increase engagement and conversions.
  • Track and analyze results: Regularly monitor campaign performance and adjust your strategies based on data-driven insights.

Remember, paid advertising can be a valuable tool for healthcare providers, but it’s crucial to navigate it responsibly and ethically. By understanding the different options, targeting effectively, and adhering to regulations, you can attract new patients and promote your services while maintaining patient trust and compliance.

Leverage Local SEO: Attracting Patients in Your Neighborhood

In today’s digital age, patients often search for healthcare providers online, prioritizing those close by. That’s where Local SEO, optimizing your online presence for local searches, becomes crucial. Here’s how to attract patients by leveraging your local SEO:

1. Claim and Optimize Your Google My Business Listing:

  • This free listing acts as your virtual storefront on Google Maps and search results.
  • Fill out all fields meticulously, including accurate address, contact information, opening hours, and high-quality photos.
  • Categorize your practice accurately and utilize relevant keywords in your description.
  • Encourage patients to leave reviews and respond to them promptly and professionally.

2. Build Local Citations:

  • Citations are mentions of your business name, address, and phone number across various online directories and websites.
  • Submit your practice information to relevant healthcare directories, local business listings, and community websites.
  • Ensure consistency in your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) across all listings.

3. Encourage and Manage Online Reviews:

  • Positive online reviews significantly impact patient trust and search ranking.
  • Encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews on Google, Facebook, and other relevant platforms.
  • Respond to all reviews, positive and negative, in a professional and timely manner.

4. Partner with Local Community Organizations:

  • Collaborate with local organizations, events, or charities to increase brand awareness and build trust.
  • Sponsor local events, offer educational workshops, or participate in community initiatives.
  • Leverage social media to showcase your community involvement and positive impact.

5. Engage with Local Online Communities:

  • Identify and participate in relevant online communities like neighborhood forums, social media groups, or healthcare-related discussion boards.
  • Share valuable information, answer questions, and engage in genuine conversations with potential patients.
  • Avoid overly promotional messages; focus on providing helpful insights and building trust.

Additional Tips:

  • Run targeted local ad campaigns: Consider paid advertising options on Google Ads or social media platforms targeting specific local audiences.
  • Optimize your website for local searches: Use local keywords throughout your website content and meta descriptions.
  • Encourage local link building: Acquire backlinks from reputable local websites related to your healthcare niche.
  • Track and analyze your results: Monitor your website traffic, online reviews, and local search ranking to assess your SEO strategy’s effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.

Remember, building a strong local SEO presence is an ongoing process. By diligently implementing these strategies and actively engaging with your local community, you can attract new patients, establish trust, and thrive in your neighborhood.

Patient Engagement and Retention Strategies: Building Strong Patient Relationships

Effective marketing goes beyond attracting new patients; it’s about fostering long-term relationships and loyalty. By employing patient engagement and retention strategies, you can empower patients, improve their healthcare experience, and ultimately grow your practice.

Marketing’s Role in Patient Engagement:

  • Education and Empowerment: Informative content and targeted campaigns educate patients about their health, treatment options, and preventive measures, making them active participants in their healthcare journey.
  • Relationship Building: Regular communication, personalized messages, and feedback channels foster trust and connection, strengthening the patient-provider bond.
  • Convenience and Communication: Accessible patient portals, appointment reminders, and online resources enhance convenience and communication, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

Engagement Strategies:

  • Email Marketing: Send targeted campaigns with appointment reminders, health tips, educational content, and personalized wellness advice.
  • Patient Portal: Optimize your portal for user-friendly access to medical records, appointment scheduling, lab results, and secure communication with providers.
  • Loyalty Programs: Reward patient loyalty with points, discounts, or exclusive access to services or resources, incentivizing repeat visits and positive referrals.
  • Social Media Engagement: Share valuable content, respond to queries, and interact with patients on social media platforms, fostering a sense of community and engagement.
  • Personalized Communication: Segment your patient base and tailor communication based on individual needs and preferences, creating a more relevant and meaningful experience.

Measuring Engagement and Feedback:

  • Track key metrics: Analyze open rates, click-through rates, website traffic, portal usage, appointment booking rates, and patient satisfaction surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies.
  • Gather feedback: Actively solicit patient feedback through surveys, online reviews, and focus groups to understand their needs, concerns, and areas for improvement.
  • Respond to feedback: Address patient concerns promptly and transparently, demonstrating your commitment to their well-being and improving their experience.


  • Personalization is key: Tailor your engagement strategies to individual patient needs and preferences.
  • Focus on value: Provide informative, relevant, and timely content that empowers patients and improves their health outcomes.
  • Listen and respond: Actively listen to patient feedback and use it to improve your engagement strategies continuously.


Q: How much does it cost to market a healthcare business?

A: The cost of marketing your healthcare business varies depending on your budget, target audience, and chosen strategies. Explore free and low-cost options like content marketing and social media alongside paid advertising for a balanced approach.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid in healthcare marketing?

A: Avoid making misleading claims, neglecting HIPAA compliance, or failing to personalize your communication. Remember to prioritize patient privacy, offer valuable content, and tailor your message to your target audience.

Q: How can I measure the success of my healthcare marketing efforts?

A: Track key metrics like website traffic, engagement on social media, appointment bookings, patient satisfaction surveys, and return on investment for paid advertising. Regularly analyze data and adjust your strategies for optimal results.

Q: Where can I find more resources for marketing my healthcare business?

A: Utilize online resources like the American Marketing Association (AMA), healthcare marketing blogs, industry publications, and professional organizations like the Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations Society (HMPS).


Effectively marketing your healthcare business requires understanding your target audience, crafting compelling messages, and utilizing a diverse range of strategies. By leveraging local SEO, creating valuable content, engaging patients online, and prioritizing their needs, you can build trust, attract new patients, and foster long-term relationships that contribute to the success of your practice.

Remember, marketing in healthcare is not just about promoting services; it’s about building trust, educating patients, and empowering them to make informed decisions about their health. By approaching your marketing efforts with this patient-centric approach, you can create a positive impact and contribute to a healthier community.

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